Endeavor’s PTSA sponsored Math Club 2023-2024 is starting soon. We will meet on Tuesdays after school from 3:45 to 4:45 beginning November 14. * Note this program is currently full. You’re welcome to inquire about waitlist. By emailing the contact below.*
The primary focus is in developing a love of Mathematics via a broad survey of the field in a game/puzzle context. A secondary focus will be to represent Endeavour Elementary in Math competitions. Space is limited, so please register only if your child can commit to Tuesdays throughout the school year. Eligibility is currently limited to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Please be aware, this is not math tutoring. This is for students who are passionate about Math and are dedicated to growth. There will be weekly homework. For questions or comments, please reach out to Jonathan Roberts, Endeavour PTSA Math Club Chair jonathan.clark.roberts@gmail.com

 Joining Math Club is free for Endeavour Students. If students opt to compete, each competition will cost somewhere between $12 to $20 per student. We expect to participate in two to four competitions this year. PTSA Scholarships available to those needing help covering competition fees. Please contactpresident@endeavourptsa.org if you would like financial assistance applying to competitions.